After a request from a customer for a design change to the Chrono-USB, we realized they needed a tester to help them troubleshoot issues with their setup and not a change to the chronograph. The Chrono-Tester will help you reduce your troubleshooting time when having issues at the ballistics range. It’s compact design and ease of use makes it a tool you’ll wish you had sooner.

Speedometer Testing Platform (patented)
YCG, Inc. with the help of Powl’s Speedometer & Auto Repair designed, developed and built the Speedometer Testing Platform (patented). The Platform allows us to safely calibrate the speedometers on all types of vehicles including the Ford Interceptor Sedan and Utility. Any department needing calibrated within PA, simply call or email YCG! The platform will also be available for purchase out of state. Approved in the PA Bulletin!

TDx, V-SPEC, VASCAR, and Tracker Hook-up Modules
Used by state and local agencies throughout the USA!
YCG manufactures its own Electronic Interface Module (EIM) and power harnesses. The EIM will provide power to TDx, V-SPEC, VASCAR, or Tracker as well as provide a clean VSS (vehicle speed sensor) signal from the vehicle speedometer circuit.
YCG has also developed solutions that will allow any speed-timing device to measure distance accurately when a not-so-usable signal is the only one available. YCG wiring solutions are available for all current police vehicles!